Staff of Homa in Genshin Impact: Capabilities, stats, and characters

To date, the Staff of Homa is considered to be one of the best weapons available to players of Genshin Impact.

It seems that many Genshin Impact players believe that the Home stick will be on the gun banner within the next week or two, following Hu Tao’s arrival of the replay banner. The best five-star weapon in the game. As it has incredible stats as well as passive abilities that are impossible to match. Is perhaps the most desirable weapon in the game.

I would like to introduce you to the Staff of Homa, one of the most well-regarded weapons in the Genshin Impact community. Genshin Impact players believe that once Hu Tao’s rerun banner arrives in under a week. The Staff of Homa will soon be added to the weapon banner. A five-star weapon that is coveted by many players. It has good stats and an incredible passive ability, making it the most coveted weapon in the game.

Statistical staff for Homa Impact and passive effects

It can achieve a base attack of 608 with the maximum level of the Homa stick. In addition to the 66.2% CRIT Damage bonus that Genshin Impact. Players will benefit from once they reach level 90 with this weapon.

In R1 the passive effect of Staff of Homa (on all users) increases maximum HP by 20%. Furthermore, they will receive a bonus based on their ATK of 0.8% of their maximum HP. The effect of an attack increases by 1% of the maximum HP of the character at a level below 50% health. As the character becomes more sophisticated, all HP and ATK buffers become more effective.

Staff of Homa is best used by Genshin Impact characters

Homa’s stick is considered to be Hu Tao’s best weapon in Genshin Impact and one of his strongest weapons in general. The passive ability of Staff of Homa is perfect for players who want to build Hu Tao to have a high maximum health pool.

Through his elemental skill, Hu Tao has the ability to enter a state called Paramita Papilio, where he gets a boost in his ATK, which depends on the amount of HP he has available. In my opinion, it is the HP and ATK Home stick boosters that make this ability great. They are able to deal huge damage even compared to other weapons in the game with five stars.
It doesn’t just apply to Hu Tao, but I am certain other characters also benefit from the Home stick. As well as being the best weapon for most Zhongli builds, it is also one of the best five-star weapons available.

In addition to being Zhongli’s strongest shield in the game, the Jade Shield takes down its maximum health as well. Fortunately for him. Because he also possesses a talent for “Earth Domination” resonant stone stele damage and cracking damage also reduces his HP. Due to the fact that the Homa Rod both increases DPS and shield power, it is without a doubt the best stick for him to improve both.

Considering the inherent ATK buff. The Homa stick doesn’t necessarily have to be used with a HP-centric character. As it comes with the inherent ATK buff. In this instance. Xiangling can be a good Pyro DPS with Pyro weaponry. And Rosario’s Cryo support is also a good fit with this mast.

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