OG Whatsapp APK Download Latest Version

Modded WhatsApp versions are gaining more and more fans as users turn to love them for their features. OGWhatsApp is one such WAMODS that offers just what people want from the official app. Wthout all those long updates wait times!

WhatsApp which is now owned by Facebook is one of the most popular applications in Google Play. The reason why it’s so famous is because TW has done a very good job developing an app with great features which definitely makes you feel like they are actually there beside you! As time passed, WhatsApp had up to 1 Billion users around the world using their service every day. Anyhow, There are still many people who prefer OG wp over WhatsApp because of the functions that come with it or if you simply want an app that will allow you download media files at once instead of sending them one by one ! Off course you can always use your official Whatsapp until its battery gives up on you but having Whatsapp installed on your phone.

What is OG WhatsApp apk?

OG Whatsapp is a modified WhatsApp version developed by third party developers. The app comes with more features absent on the official WhatsApp App like FMWhatsApp. WA Eidolon and many others which offer you possibility to tweak interface ( looks ) . We also have added awesome Restrictions enabling send heavier files than before or read deleted messages. If there are any in your conversation thread when someone has delete them directly from their phone instead of going back into OG wp. As most people do since they don’t know about these new functions unless someone else tells them first!

Features of OG Whatsapp APK

The Whatsapp APK is a great alternative to the official one. It allows you write more characters in your status, up until 200! The chat group name has been set at 35 but with this simple app there are 25 available spaces for names so that it can be used easier than ever before- even if they’re large files or documents sent between friends who need plenty of room on their phone storage accounts (which most likely will happen).

The software provides you with enough space to write your messages. You can use up 130-200 characters for written status in this Whatsapp APK; however, the limit on group chats is 35 character names (including spaces). For simple groups like those found within our app – which means that there will be less misspellings because users have more room–the maximum size limit decreases down 25 letters instead! The speed at which files are Sent/Received isn’t affected either way by different lengths sent across platforms so done.

The Whatsapp APK has a maximum character limit of 130 characters to write status, but in this software you can use up 200-word. The chat group name is set at 35 letters with no spaces or special characters. Which makes it easier for people who don’t know each other’s. Names yet get together on the same platform as they communicate their thoughts about. What happened that day etcetera! This app also allows users send documents and files fast without having any issue whatsoever during negotiation process between themselfs because everything happens instantly – just press “send” then enter recipient email address if desired (or leave blank) before pressing submit elevator call button.

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