How To Visualise Your Thesis In 60 Seconds – 8 Tips from Professors

Visualise Your Thesis is an international competition that provides a platform for graduate researchers to present their research findings. Participants are required to make an engaging 60-second multimedia presentation covering the highlights of their thesis. As a result, they can communicate complex scientific information to the general audience.

The presentations are judged depending on their visual impact and how coherently the content has been aligned in the slideshow. Students face some common issues when making such presentations. For instance, it seems burdensome how to summarise a 300-page document in a few slides. Also, collecting the most important points of your thesis is challenging.

Moreover, the increasing crowd of participants in the competition stresses students about how to stand unique among others. If you are among those students, this guide may help you prepare for your Visualise Your Thesis presentation. Here are the useful tips to make your slideshow more clear, better and more engaging for the audience.

However, first, let’s learn a little about this competition.

What Is Visualise Your Thesis Competition?

The Visualise Your Thesis competition was created by the University of Melbourne to present an eye-catching display of their thesis. Some pre-supply templates are used to develop short presentations. This competition is meant for all the researchers, including those who have yet to submit their thesis. The judging panel decides the winners, and the Dean of Higher Degree Research gives prices.

8 Tips to Visualise Your Thesis In 60 Seconds or Less

A top-notch presentation is powerful enough to drive the action. From conveying a powerful message to winning the competition, your secret weapon lies in creating an effective presentation. Being an excellent presenter is linked with several aspects. For instance, it is about crafting a good thesis first so that you can draw out the main points of your work from these documents.

Many researchers who need more confidence in writing a good thesis should avail themselves of the services of a reliable thesis writing platform to benefit from expert assistance. Once you get the quality samples, the process of making its presentation will become easier. Ahead, we will walk you through professional tips prepared by university professors on how to Visualise Your Thesis in 2024.

Main Points to Keep in Mind:

  • Define an appropriate structure for your presentation for organised communication.
  • The opening of the discussion must be able to catch the attention of the reader.
  • Always include the most relevant content in your presentation file.
  • Make use of infographics to enhance the visualisation of your content.
  • The information must be compiled engagingly so that the audience does not get bored of it.
  • Remember that you have only 60 seconds to deliver your point.
  • Practice as much as you can to polish your presentation skills.
  • You must go through the guidelines to be on the right track.

Find below the related details to deliver a presentation that imparts a lasting impression on the audience.

1.    Clear Structure

Nobody in the audience is interested in being lost in the bulk of information. For instance, if you are participating in the competition as a Monash University graduate, the Visualise Your Thesis Monash is going to be just 60 seconds. So, you can’t stuff your slides with long phrases and paragraphs. One of the best ways to concisely organise the information is to organise your thoughts logically.

Follow up with an array that comprises a clear introduction, main points, and a solid conclusion. This way, the audience will be engaged and may feel satisfied at the end.

Before choosing any structure for your presentation, ask yourself three questions.

  1. What are the main objectives of your project?
  2. Who is the target audience of the discussion?
  3. What are the main points that they must remember after you deliver the findings?

What Are the Main Components of a Presentation?

Generally, a presentation consists of five main parts.

  1. Introduce yourself to the audience (educational background or achievements).
  2. Introduce the topic of discussion.
  3. The main body of your talk.
  4. Conclude or summarise the discussion.
  5. Question and answer session.

2. Engaging Opening

Hook your audience from the start by using attention-grabbing hooks. It might be a question, a proverb or highlighting a rising concern to attract the audience. Such arrangements will set the stage for the killer Visualise Your Thesis UNSW presentation while showcasing your affiliation with a top-ranked university in Sydney. In addition, an engaging opening holds an immense power to captivate the audience.

Types of Hooks for Presentation

Here are the different types of hooks to stimulate the interest of the audience.

  • Start the discussion with a surprising statement or a statistic.
  • Share a story relevant to your topic.
  • Refer to a fascinating historical event.
  • Ask an intriguing question that is intellectually stimulating for the audience.
  • Start with a contradictory statement that challenges the listener’s pre-assumptions.
  • Show a captivating animation or video that can break the ice for you.
  • Find quotes related to your topic and impart wisdom to the audience.
  • You can show an object, especially if you are pitching a product.

3. Relevant Content

Considering the short time and limited word count, choosing the most relevant content for your Visualise Your Thesis Unimelb is the top tier. It will help you to stay on track and precisely summarise your research project.

If you want to gather the most relevant information for your presentation, here are some good tips.

  • Learn about the main objectives of your project.
  • You must be clear about what to deliver to the research committee.
  • Find credible sources that can be a source of knowledge.
  • Logically organise the information.
  • Review and revise the information to check its relevancy.
  • Being focused on your research question to stay on the right track.

Remember, each slide should hint at a discussion or details in the thesis. If you need assistance at any stage of writing your thesis, UK-based thesis helpers can write documents incorporating the relevant data. Later, you can compile a good presentation from it.

4. Effective Visual Aids

A visual aid is simply helpful in understanding the information in your Visualise Your Thesis Deakin presentation to stand unique in the crowd while being a Deakin college graduate. It will retain the audience’s attention, compel them to take action, clarify the structure of the presentation and make it more persuasive. Opt for clear and engaging images that can add value and reinforce your message.

Benefits of Using Infographics in Presentation

The following reasons will emphasise the fact why using visuals is a good option for making a 60-second presentation.

  • It will save you time as you can gather large amounts of data and findings in a single flow chart or graph.
  • People are attracted to visually appealing images or animations.
  • The audience can easily understand your presentation material. For instance, if you are describing the respiration process, comprehension becomes easier if you define various steps in a flow chart.
  • It helps the audience to remember the visual information, as learning long phrases and paragraphs is not easy.
  • It can deliver the call for action efficiently to compel the listeners.
  • You may stand out among other competitors via an interesting presentation of your work.

5. Engaging Delivery

A high-quality Visualise Your Thesis presentation is always engaging and leaves a lasting impression on the audience. It may seem like an uphill task especially if you are not an expert in writing such projects. Find below the practical tips that can improve the engagement of your presentation.

  • Know the audience’s interest and think of ways to engage with them.
  • Spend time researching, planning and practising your presentation. This is how you can prepare it well.
  • Make a presentation script first that encompasses all the key points of the discussion.
  • Make a well-designed slide deck to transfer the complex information into easily digestible form.
  • The beginning of the discussion must be strong and compelling to engage the audience.
  • Break down the complex ideas into small parts for easy comprehension.
  • Define a clear call to action.
  • Master the content of the presentation to engage with the audience in the FAQ session.
  • Make eye contact with the audience to ensure that you care about their concerns.

6. Well-Timed Pacing

It is important to stay on the allocated time if you respect your audience and the guidelines given to you. The audience will lose interest if you go over time. For instance, here, you are required to speak for 60 seconds. In this period, the audience expects you to define your main point, give supporting arguments and summarise it.

Therefore, if you spend too much time presenting the argument without caring much about time, you are on the wrong track. Your marks will be deducted as you did not follow the instructions.

How To Complete Your Presentation Within Time?

So how can you stay on time during the Visualise Your Thesis competition? The following are the steps that may help you complete your talk within the time without missing any part.

  • Know the maximum time limit you have for speaking.
  • Divide the time for intro, main points, conclusion and Q&A and stick to it.
  • Practise condensing your points. For instance, you use fewer words, but the message should be diverse and thought-provoking for the listener.
  • Rehearse out loud to complete your task within time.
  • Every moment is important so you should start the discussion on time and not miss even a single second.
  • Keep an eye on time while you are presenting your stance.

7. Practice, Practice and Practice

Practice is essential if you want to deliver a good Visualise Your Thesis presentation. It will not only increase your confidence but also enhance your familiarity with the presentation content. As a result, you can polish your skills so that you don’t tremble on the final day.

Let’s go through the reasons why you should practice for your presentation.

  • It will take off your speaking anxiety.
  • It will help you better manage your time.
  • You may be able to get a refined end product that is flawless for the listeners.
  • It assists in improving your body language and gestures with adequate practice.
  • Constant practice will help get rid of speaking flaws.
  • It will give you space to try something new to better your presentation.

Tip To Practice Your Presentation

Are you looking for some key tips that can strengthen your practice? Here are some noticeable ways.

  • You can practice in the same room where you are supposed to deliver it.
  • Focus on practising the introduction and conclusion part well.
  • You should practice under mild stress to endure the anxiety on the final day.
  • Record it to take note of the fine details.
  • Always seek feedback to make improvements.
  • You can also use memory-boosting techniques to amplify the session.

8. Know the Guidelines

The guideline for Visualise Your Thesis presentation is like the skeleton structure. It makes you aware of the administrative instructions so that you can adopt the best possible practices. Without considering the prompt, if you rush at writing, the outcomes can cost your final grades. Therefore, you must visit the official university site to look for details like eligibility criteria, prices, training and, most importantly, how you structure your project.

Visualise Your Thesis Guidelines

Below mentioned are some technical instructions that every competitor must be aware of.

  • You must download the official competition template to use for your presentation. For instance, delete the pre-written content in the slides and then add your own.
  • You can add the additional slides in the template, but keep in mind that the duration is only one minute.
  • The maximum file size should be 100 MB.
  • Be creative in changing the layout of the template such as box size, colour combination, font, etc. However, you can’t change the title slide and reference slide.
  • The body text font should not be smaller than 14.
  • Keep the page setup in PowerPoint intact.
  • Abide by all the laws and conventions of copyrighting when particularly adding images, videos or starting stats.
  • It is advisable to go through the Visualise Your Thesis examples to get an overall idea.

How To Prepare for Visualise Your Thesis?

Preparing for your thesis presentation can be a hard job. The stress increases when you need to make a shorter presentation of 60 seconds. So, how can you keep calm and be on track in the process? Here are the useful tips that you must go through before preparing for it.

  • Define a signature theme for your presentation.
  • Don’t overlook your audience.
  • Each slide should be focused on a single point.
  • Less is more. So, avoid wordiness in it.
  • Take note of the topography.

Visualise Your Thesis Winners 2023

As per the University of Adelaide, the top three winners of the competition in 2023 are listed below.

  • Georgia Moloney
  • Zulfiqar Ali
  • Jack Hetherington


It’s a dream for every learner to secure good grades or a good CGPA after completing a graduate degree. One of the most crucial parts of the graduate degree is writing a thesis. It allows students to conduct research activities and present the original findings. These findings are then compiled into the final documents for effective communication to the scientific community.

Writing such a thesis can be challenging for students, especially for those who are not experts in writing academic projects. Therefore, purchasing a thesis online from experts can relieve learners’ worries. In addition to writing a thesis, making a PowerPoint presentation of such results may also serve as a means of communication.

However, the University of Melbourne may assist this pathway by providing a competitive platform. It allows the graduates to prepare Visualise Your Thesis presentations that must accompany the noticeable highlights of the project. As guided by the university, you are only allowed to prepare a 60-second presentation. In this regard, the guide above can help you make an engaging presentation so that you can be ahead of the competition.